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        <h2 class="heading2-features">Everything you need to run your study</h2>
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                <p class="feature-title"> Projects </p>
                <p> Our platform streamlines project management, 
                enabling you to easily organize, track, 
                and oversee all your research activities in one centralized location. </p>
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                <p class="feature-title"> Folders</p>
                <p> Keep your research data, documents, and resources neatly organized with our intuitive folder system. Access everything you need with just a few clicks. </p>
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                <p class="feature-title"> Participants </p>
                <p> Recruit, engage, and manage participants with ease. Our tools support ethical practices, ensuring informed consent, privacy, and a seamless experience for all involved. </p>
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                <p class="feature-title"> Transcription and Translation </p>
                <p> Easily transcribe audio and video files, and translate content into multiple languages. Our platform helps your research go faster and stay organized. </p>
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        <h3 class="features-heading"> Boosting your Research Impact </h3>
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          Our goal is to transform every aspect of your study into actionable insights, ensuring a seamless and effective research process.    
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                <strong> Participant Management </strong>
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								Streamlined consent, comprehensive participant progress monitoring, efficient communication tools, and secure, HIPAA-compliant data protection.

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                <strong>Transcription & Translation</strong>
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              Unmatched 99% accuracy, professional transcription and translation by experts, precise context retention in audio translations, and a seamless, secure process throughout.

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                <strong>Project Management</strong>
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	            Manage your research projects with our streamlined tools 
	            for planning, real-time collaboration, and customizable workflows. 
	            Monitor progress, manage risks, and ensure compliance effortlessly. 

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    <h2 class="testimonial-h2">  Empowering your Study with Proven Success  </h2>
    <h3 class="testimonial-h3"> Real Researchers, Real Success  </h3>
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        I have 5-8 more patients then my research will be complete. Everything looks great so far. The website looks great.
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      <cite>Researcher at Mayo Clinic </cite>

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        Looks great, thank you for all of your help and support. 
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        Researcher at Washington University, St. Louis

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      <p>The transcript looks great!  I'll definitely keep Landmark in mind for future transcription needs.
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	      <cite> Researcher at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences</cite>
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      Thanks so much Monica. Everything looks great. It’s much easier now for me to keep track of the transcripts. 
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      <cite>Researcher at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill </cite>

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   I've finished transcription for this particular project. 
   However, I was very impressed with the service and will 
   return to you for future transcriptions.
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       Researcher at Princeton University

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      We have used Landmark many times in the past and 
      they always do quality work very quickly. And great price!
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          Landmark's Customer Satisfaction Survey

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<div class="pricing-body">
<div class="pricing-container">
    <div class="pricing-header">
        <h2> Transcription Pricing Overview</h2>
        <p>Unmatched accuracy with a 99% guarantee. Native, professional human transcriptionists.</p>
    <div class="pricing-plans">
        <!-- Standard Plan -->
					<div class="plan">
					    <h3>Standard - English Only</h3>
					    <p style="margin-bottom: 30px;">For projects with one-on-one interviews or with single speakers.</p>
					    <p style="margin-bottom: 30px;">Starting at:</p>
					    <p class="plan-price"><strong>$1.89</strong> <span>/per audio minute</span></p>
					    <a href="" class="btn"> Check University Rate</a>
					    <ul class="plan-features">
                <li> <a href=""> Registered Vendor </a> </li>
                <li>99% Accuracy or more</li>
                <li>Speaker Tracking</li>
                <li> <a href=""> Standard Capture </a> </li>
                <li>Standard Turnaround Time<br/>(3-5 business days)</li>
                <li>Enterprise-grade security</li>
                <li>HIPAA Trained Staff</li>
                <li>PHRP Trained Staff</li>
                <li>All formats accepted</li>
					<!-- Plus Plan -->
					<div class="plan highlighted">
					    <h3>Plus - English Only</h3>
					    <div class="tag-most-popular">Most popular</div>
					    <p style="margin-bottom: 20px;">For projects with group interviews/focus groups with over three speakers.</p>
					    <p style="margin-bottom: 20px;">Starting at:</p>
					    <p class="plan-price"><strong>$2.69</strong> <span>/per audio minute</span></p>
					    <a href="" class="btn">Get a Special Rate</a>
					    <ul class="plan-features">
                <li>Group interviews</li>
                <li>Focus groups</li>
                <li> <a href=""> Time stamps </a> </li>
                <li> <a href="">  Verbatim Capture </a> </li>
                <li>Available rush turnaround*</li>
                <li>Guard Duty</li>
                <li>SSL Data Encryption</li>
                <li>Tailored support</li>
					<!-- Premium Plan -->
					<div class="plan">
					    <h3>Premium - All languages</h3>
					    <p style="margin-bottom: 30px;">Managing multi-language projects or complex data capture.</p>
					    <p style="margin-bottom: 30px;">Check all available languages </p>

					    <p class="plan-price"><strong>Custom pricing</strong>*</p>
					    <a href="/available-languages" class="btn">Available languages</a>
					    <ul class="plan-features">
                <li>Over 25 languages</li>
                <li><strong>Specializing in Spanish</strong></li>
                <li>Professional transcribers and translators</li>
                <li>Understanding of dialects</li>
                <li>Translation certificate</li>
                <li>Database management</li>

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        <h1 class="faqs-main-title">Frequently Asked Questions</h1>
        <h2 class="faqs-subtitle">Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our <a href="" class="faqs-link"> customer support team. </a></h2>
        <div class="faqs-columns">
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            <div class="faqs-column">
                    <h3>What kind of services does Landmark offer?</h3>
                     Landmark offers a variety of services designed
                     to support research studies and data management effectively.
                     Here are the main services we provide:
										<ul class="faqs-list">
											<li>Participant Management</li>
                    <h3>Is it possible for my team and I to collaborate on a shared account?</h3>
                    Landmark offers a special service that enables your research team to collaborate
                    in real-time through a shared space. This feature saves time and enhances efficiency
                    while maintaining the security of your data, providing a secure alternative to using
                    drives or emails.

            <!-- Column 2 -->
            <div class="faqs-column">
                    <h3>How can Landmark help me streamline my research project?</h3>
                    Landmark specializes in research support, offering comprehensive
                     services from participant management to transcription and
                      translation. Our team can customize templates and 
                      set up processes to help researchers work efficiently
                       and effectively.
                    <h3>How does Landmark ensure compliance with regulations like HIPAA?</h3>
                    Our system is designed to adhere to HIPAA and other regulatory standards,
                    featuring secure health information handling,
                     consent tracking, and up-to-date compliance practices.

            <!-- Column 3 -->
            <div class="faqs-column">
                    <h3>What data security measures does Landmark implement?</h3>
                    Our services incorporate advanced data protection, 
                    including encryption and secure data protocols, 
                    ensuring participant information is safeguarded
                     and compliant with regulations like HIPAA.
                    How can I learn more or start using Landmark's services?
                    You can create your account <a href="" class="faqs-link"> here </a>and 
                    set up your project. 
                    Your designated account executive 
                    will contact you to customize your
                     requirements, or you can send us a
                      chat message for immediate assistance

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                <a href="/our-customers">Our Customers</a>
                <a href="/transcription">Pricing</a>
                <a href="/available-languages">Available Languages</a>
                <a href="">Help Center</a>
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                <a href="">I'm a Transcriber/Translator</a>
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                <p class="mission"> Assisting researchers worldwide in completing their research faster <br/> and deeper so they can make an impact that will change the world. </p>

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		        <p class="CF-footer-note">2701 East Thomas Road, Suite H<br> 
						Phoenix, AZ 85016<br>
						(480) 922-1105<br> 
						©2009-2024 Landmark Associates, Inc. | All Rights Reserved</p>