Available languages for transcription and translation
We transcribe and translate audio and documents in over 25 languages, including Spanish, French, Chinese, and more. However, our expertise resides in English and Spanish transcriptions and translations.
- Afrikaans
- TranslationTranscription
- Albanian
- TranslationTranscription
- Amharic
- TranslationTranscription
- Arabic
- TranslationTranscription
- TranslationTranscription
- Assamese
- TranslationTranscription
- Asturian
- TranslationTranscription
- Azerbaijani
- TranslationTranscription
- Basque
- TranslationTranscription
- Belarusian
- TranslationTranscription
- Bengali
- TranslationTranscription
- Bosnian
- TranslationTranscription
- Bulgarian
- TranslationTranscription
- Burmese
- TranslationTranscription
- Cantonese
- TranslationTranscription
- Catalan
- TranslationTranscription
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