Translation for your audio interviews and documents

Expert Human Translations in 25+ Languages with 99% Accuracy.
We deliver culturally nuanced translations that accurately capture your population.

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Trusted by over 5,000 researchers Landmark significantly supports top universities in advancing research projects.
Our numerous open vendor agreements simplify billing and IRB approval.

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Our Translation

Upload your Project

Upload your file to our platform with guaranteed data safety and confidentiality.

Professional Translation

Our translator will quickly deliver a precise, high-quality translation of your file.

Translator Match

We match your project with the perfect translator for accurate, culturally relevant content.

Quality Control

The document is rigorously proofread to meet our 99% accuracy standard.

Proficient in 25+ languages, our specialty lies in taking your work to new heights, with a particular focus on Spanish.

Seize the opportunity! Click below for precision translation that globalizes your research
and transforms audio and video data into actionable insights.

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Precision Translation for Research Excellence

Expert human translation specifically designed for the research community. Convert documents and discussions across languages to deepen comprehension and broaden academic collaboration.

  • Translating All Document Types
  • We translate a variety of documents, including reports, slides, and surveys, adapting each for its specific context and audience.

  • US-Based Human Translators
  • Top-quality translation and accuracy with expert translators who ensure strict data protection compliance.

  • Audio Translation: Capturing Every Nuance
  • Our audio translation services ensure every spoken word is accurately captured and conveyed, preserving the original tone and cultural nuances.

  • Embracing Cultural Sensitivity
  • Our translation services prioritize cultural nuances to ensure accuracy and relevance. We tailor content to resonate with diverse audiences, respecting linguistic and cultural contexts

  • Advanced Protection with Salesforce Shield
  • Utilize Salesforce Shield's security to protect your data with extensive monitoring, encryption, and compliance features.

  • NDA and BAA Availability
  • Ensure compliance and protect confidential information with readily available Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) and Business Associate Agreements (BAAs).

  • Flexible Payment Processing
  • Accept purchase orders and provide invoicing to facilitate easy and flexible payment options for all clients.

  • Designated Account Executive
  • Receive personalized service from an assigned account executive who will oversee your project, ensuring consistent support and tailored guidance.

100% Human Translators

99% Accuracy Guarantee

US-Based Translators

Customized Formatting

Assured Data Security

Non-Disclosure Agreements

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

How much do you charge for a translation service?

All Professional Document Translations are priced per word. Get a Quote Here

How do you guarantee translation accuracy?

Two different professional translators work on your file to review the accuracy.

What languages do you translate?

We offer translation services for audio in over 25 languages . However, our core expertise lies in English and Spanish transcriptions and translations.

If I need a certificate, can you provide one?

Yes, we can provide you with a Translation Certificate.

Is Landmark secure?

Yes. Security and privacy are core to our operations. Our system, inspired by leading tech industry standards, provides an optimal environment for client data.

Explore Our Translation Solutions Further